Wednesday 26 January 2011

Check out these Student websites!

The wonderful conclusion to your degree! Art by Toothpaste for dinner
Although this is not specifically a designer's website, my main interest with this website and I start with this one is the 'student work' link that relates indirectly to us. I could comment on the website itself; it's clean, loads quickly, fulfills it's criteria however it isn't that exciting to sumerize in a nutshell. Nonetheless, the links towards the student's own website is highly interesting.

In case anybody reading this isn't aware (although, consdering my audience is those on the course / directing the course, I'd be concerned if you didn't!) we are being taught in a manner that is similar to Vicki's course. We, as students, are to create a website and maintain a blog as part of developing ourselves as designers in our longed-after fields. This particular course is from Colombus University in America, giving an insight into another education system, and further into another culture. I highly recommend you guys to take a look! :D looking at other student's work that isn't a part of the college I feel is a bonus, and will really help us to guage what we can achieve. The list isn't huge, I took the time to take a peek at some of the student's websites and blogs. The websites are simple, in the vein of Vicki Golden's websites, but they fulfil their purposes. For students whom, I am guessing, are not versed in HTML / CSS these websites are pretty impressive and for the most part clutter free. Their work, especially some students, are amazing! I wish I could do that kind of stuff! I am, for now, looking at the layout of the websites and whether or not they are exciting in this web 2.0 world.

Kyle Parker appears to use an illustrated drawing and handwriting as part of his logo
.... while Patrick Moore uses a vector based logo and font

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