Tuesday 25 January 2011

Year 1 - Computer Applications - Development of my 'Design Identity'

 As part of an assignment, I need to develop my design identity; logo, brandname, that shibang. Following that, I need to produce imagery which would be put to use in my buisness card, letterheads, stationary, tea cosy etc etc.

The hardest bit of this has been coming up with my identity, something in which I liked the sound of that hadn't been taken yet. I first decided that instead of using my real name (having a popular forename and a common surname wasn't going to do me any favours) I would come up with a 'brand name'. My purpose in this brand name in that I would use it as an umbrella for all of my work; for example if I had a seperate illustration project it would be credited towards my brand name, as would graphic design briefs etc.

More beyond the break!

With this in mind, I went through a thesaurus and tried combining words such as imagination, creation, art etc. Eventually I came to a conclusion in mixing two words together to make a new word; Imaginixel. This has 0 google search results so it fitted the brief of being easy to find once I got the name out.

 I experimented with some fonts with the name Imaginixel. In the end, however, I decided that it was too high of a syllable count and wasn't finding it punchy. I went back to the drawing table and went to a domain checker to see if what I was coming up with was already taken. Through this experimentation I came up with the words 'Pixely bits'. As it turns out, this wasn't taken, but 'Pixel Bits' was. 'Pixel Bits' is a graphic design company in Canada, and from further research the words are scattered around, as there is a 'Pixel bits' blog completely unrelated to the graphic design company.

During deciding upon another name for my brand,  I also explored ideas for the logo beyond the choice of font and colours. There were many influences in which I thought upon as I tried to brainstorm ideas.

The Behemoth is a video game company, however I really like the style in which they have branded themselves; it is inviting, funky, and the mascot logo is rememberable and simple. The art style of their games are very stylistic, and I want to in turn be branded so that I am seen as 'stylistic'. I looked at various mascot based logos, such as listed on websites such as this: http://mashable.com/2010/06/07/best-mascots/

I am still in the process of designing a mascot; such as whether to make it an animal or humanoid, etc. The current idea that I have with the mascot is that would play on the name so that there were stray pixels around the mascot like an aura, aka pixely bits, or that the mascot was a pixel

Thinking of fonts, I went through dafont and picked out some fonts which I liked the look of. I want my brand to represent quirky style, but yet not alienating quirk. Most of the fonts I've picked here are cartoon-based fonts.
 It is quite possible that I could create my own font in order for my logo; many companies have done it, and are recognized for their font use alone. I would have to research into typography in order to create a font that was balanced. Below as examples of custom-font logos that are really great.
Finally, I've also started looking into colour schemes. I'm looking for a soft colour scheme with a splash of colour every now and again. I've yet to decide on a colour scheme, however I am liking the use of  light blue / pink / white etc

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a lot of good thinking around this idea of your identity online. This is good because it will also make you thinka bout what sort of work you are doing and where that may take you, well done Pixelybits!
