Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Year 2 - Processes, Materials and Presentations - Work Schedule and Miscellenous Notes

Work Schedule

For this module I started with making plans as to how I would approach this subject. The way in which I work is that I tend to follow several strands of thought at once, getting into more detail once I am satisfied with the validity of my idea. As a result, I did not think to attach timed schedules to my planning, research and drawing developments; I only have a rough estimation of how long certain processes took.

I would estimate that the planning of my work is spontaneous; I can either get an idea to immediate effect, after a few hours of thinking, or it could take several days for my ideas to process and formulate into viable strategies. 

For the Another Skin module, it took me several days in which to write out my initial ideas. The time spent into the planning of what I would focus on, and the research strands in which to develop, was spaced between October and November.

My research coinceded with my drawings, as thus I do not clearly have an idea of how I could break this down into a time frame. Over the course of December to Feburary, I spent varying amounts of hours researching into my market, with the majourity of my time spent into designing the characters and the accompanying illustrations. 

For a detailed illustration, It can take a minimum of 3 hours to complete; from sketch to colouring. For a sketch it can take an average of 20 minutes, and longer depending on the complexity of the figure I am drawing. In this case, each 'animal character' takes around an average of 18 minutes (based on time frame drawings I recorded to test this theory) to complete to a standard in which is ready to be processed into a finer sketch or, if the lines are not that rough, to be coloured.

I realise that for this module I should have managed my time a lot more efficently, and be able to give more exact time frames rather than guessed ones.

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